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Looking at possibilities for forecoming NEW professions


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I actually did something like this back in the pre-release days of SWG, one of the listed professions was actually Genetisist this was long before the Bio-Engineer was created so I have to say I was overjoyed that they either had the same thoght as me or actually took my idea as a jumping off point. It was a very popular idea actually.


So now I think I'll share some ideas for potential professions between now and next year, feel free to chip with your opinions and ideas.



This one is so obvious that it's almost certain to be added, an elite profession from Artisan Engineering and the Entertainer Entertainment healing. The artist basically has the ability to create items which have the same effect as entertainers by smoothing mind damage and wounds while helping to remove shock damage. The effect of the item degrades the more someone is exposed to it as they become used to it but this allows for alot of potential as an offshoot from Entertainers that trade their wares.


The four paths on the tree would be:



The artist is able to work with various materials to create scultures, the sculpures themselves become more deverse as you advance and the materials you are able to sculpt with also become more elaborate. At a basic level the artist can only use low-grade metals and produce materials such as clay and stone for sculpting with. However at a master level they are able to use a wide variety of materials such as gemstones and exotic materials.


Scultures vary in size and can be for personal use or as a centre piece in buildings or rooms. They have a soothing effect on those who see it but over time as a person see's it more and more the effect lessens, if someone uses it for the express perpose of helaing their mind and shock damage then they'll be forced to buy a new sculpture.



The artist is able to work with various forms of canvass and paints/dyes to create paintings. As the artist progresses they are able to work on large and large canvasses and use more diverse materials for their artwork. Each level helps the artist to understand different painting styles and even allow for them to mix styles to create unique works of art.


Artistic crafting

An artist needs to be able to create their own materials and tools for their trade, this allows them to also create recording devices including holo-imagers, soundrecorders and 2D image capture devices. These can then be sold to other entertainers for them to record a performance which is then sold to someone else to behave in much the same way as other forms of art. The recordings have the same soothing effect that the original performance had but rapidly degrade as someone watches/listens to the recording more forcing then to buy a totally different recording of a totally different performance.


Artistic experimentation

Boosts the artists abilities to experiment within their artforms as well as more successfully merging artisitic styles. The quality of the recording devices and the art tools is also increased.

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This a little off the wall but bear with me, the pharmasist is actually like an experimentation and retail side of the medic profession which is actually a Hybrid. It requires you to master medic and artisan. The end result is a profession that allows you sell domestic medicines for use by non-medic professions while also being able to create enhancers for existing medic medicines. The main job is not to replace the medics but actually help people to perform minor medical care upon themselves.


The four path for the profession are:


Health care

A very simple crafting branch which allows for creating items which SLOWLY cure wounds much like sitting around in a med centre does and boosts the regneration rate of pools. Because these are pharmasuticals they only bolster the natural healing process thus meaning that a medic can give far better results. The drugs do not need you to be in a camp but running around and fighting while under the influcence can have side effects and decreased healing qualities. As the pharmasist advances they simple learn to make better and better pharmasuticals that have less side effects and better gains.



Something unique to the Pharmacist is the ability to craft items which help increase the defences of the user against debuffers, vitamins can range from short lived but potent defence boosters against things like posion and dizziness or they can have long lasting effects which help you to burst run for longer or be much harder to suffer from intimidation.


Experimental pharmacuticals

This is simply a set of skills which allow you to experiment with medical items much as a Smuggler would Slice weapons and armour. The pharmacist basically tinkers with the medicines to try and get better results or give them addtional bonuses, the pharmasist can even create medicines which heal multiple pools/stats at the same time by combining seperate medical items together.


Pharmacist techniques

The typical modfiyer for getting better results from what you craft.

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