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What happened to Multiplayer?


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Okay, I've been out of the loop for a while - over half a year I think. But with JA news ramping up, I dusted off my JK2 cd and installed, patched etc and loaded up the server browser.


There weren't alot of servers - this was to be expected. I did find 2 or so servers that had a decent ping and tried them out in turn.


Server #1 was using 1.03 settings - and after 1 minute of being in the server, I was reminded of how much i hated playing 1.03. There were about 15 people, each of whom used either pull backstab or kick backstab. Lame, so I left to the next server.


#2 was like the other one, FFA, this time in Bespin Streets. Every single person had their sabre off and would whine when I attacked them with my sabre. Yet they justified using force grip to toss me over the edge when I was unawares, or kicking me to the floor and pushing me over the edge. Okay fine I think, big deal I can use absorb. So I avoid them, and get into a few duels. Do alright; win one, lose one. Then the third duel, got into a few sabre locks; win the first one, and while he's down I hit him with a lunge. Second lock; same thing. Then he runs off until the duel is broken and whinges "you're not supposed to attack people after a sabrelock ffs!". Well EXCUSE ME: when I last was into JK2 multiplayer, it was okay to actually PLAY THE GAME AS IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED.


Am I mistaken in thinking that everything has gone way downhill since last September?

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