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carbine, pistal or rifle...advantages and disadvantages?


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I'm a human scout and want to know what of the 3 is best for me.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?


I'm going to become a creature handler then a bounty hunter ( i realize i do need all 3 for bounty hunter, yikes)



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Pistols are closer-ranged guns which specialize in body shots.


Carbines are medium-ranged guns which specialize in leg shots.


Rifles are long-ranged guns which specialize in head shots.



Pistols would be best for group hunting with strangers, seeing as body shot doesn't cost many action points and deals the most common damage: Health damage.


Carbines are sort of the jack-of-all-trades gun, being able to deal massive damage with its various multi-shots, but it takes up serious action points. They also have legshots, which drain the target's action points. This can be great if you intend to be a Bounty Hunter.


Rifles generally grant you sniper skills. Headshots damage the target's mental bar, which typically is the weakest of the three bars.


I know it's very generic info, but it's still too early in the game to be able to provide anything else.

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The best advice i can give, besides what Scatman has already said is...


Pistol- Good for soloing (able to hit the creatures up close)


Carbine- Decent for either grouping or soloing


Rifle- Best for grouping, just stay behind brawlers and pistol users (trying to solo with a rifle is nearly impossible)

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It really depends on what you what you want to be. You can solo with all three weapons, but rifle is the hardest because you take high damage from melee attacks.


A good trick is (not sure if this works later on, but does work on early mobs - mob is monster) to get your weapon at its most effective range. You can tell what the most effective range once you have targeted the MOB, and the little number on the left of their HAM bar (Health, Action, Mind bar) is the highest + number you can get it. Once you have that number as high as it can go, you can test this by running around, lay prone. Then open fire. With a rifle, I can get off 4 shots before the creature gets to me, and the 5th shot is while its comming in, and is usually enough to kill it, even if I'm not doing mind shots. When the monster is comming in, switch to kneeling.


Other things of note:


Go to the cantina in town and watch a dancer or a musician to heal your fatigue wounds before going to the doctor. Don't forget to /tip your dancer or musician some credits.


Use the mission terminals to get money. A better weapon goes a long way.


Learn which resource each animal yeilds the most, and harvest that resource from that animal.


Find out what profession you want to do, and get there. Check this link out for help. Character Builder

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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

Rifle- Best for grouping, just stay behind brawlers and pistol users (trying to solo with a rifle is nearly impossible)



I beg to differ Thew, I am using only a rifle and I go soloing way more than I do grouping. I find the rifle to be an all around good weapon and very reliable. I have had my character since... well since I got the game and I have only died once with him. I do however find that grouping makes destroy missions much more easier and I am very reluctant to go alone on those (unless it is to a tatooine mynock lair :)). Anyways I have started to train the pistol tree a little bit and after training the rifle so much it is very easy. Just last night I got into a duel with a carbine user and it was a pretty even fight untill I pushed a few wrong buttons. It came down to me having 10 health and him having 10 mind (I kept trying the headshot and it wasn't working, it was too late when I realized that I was holding the shift button for half the fight and). He incapped me and won but after the fight he admitted he was getting pretty worried... Wow I got a bit off topic :o


















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