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Level 3 bug?

Guest Conana

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I jumped down thru the hole in the floor in the bunker and killed the guard... but when I press the button nothing happens... am I missing something here or?

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Guest Indy Jones

well ill help. ok where u jump down to thebottom (the room where theres a gate with water) go strait to where u killed the guy theres a door where thats accesable. go in and kill the next guy and look around on the cealing. youll see an airvent that u can climb into and ull no what to do next when u get in the other rooms smile.gif

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Well you see.. this is where the bug is... I can't open the door where I killed the guard.. I can press the button.. but nothing happens. :/


Come on ppl .. help me out here frown.gif


[This message has been edited by Conana (edited December 01, 1999).]

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Is the door at the ground level supposed to open when you press the button inside?

Cause if it is ... NO door is opening for me.


Anyone care to send a savegame to me where they have entered the opened the door?


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