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locked camera angle bug?

Guest Bill_Preston

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Guest Bill_Preston

Start of 'Infernal Machine' level (Iraq), before I do anything the camera angle locks and I can't change the view so I can't get anywhere with this level. What a nightmare. I hope this is a bug that can be fixed by a patch! Anyone know anything about it or seen similar?

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Guest Darth Timo

I have had many of those errors but there´s no hope for us....

I think it´s quiet annoying when this happens and you have to restart Indy, because he´s still breathing but you can´tz move, can´t save, just cry....;-)

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Guest jeff schneider

i hate this-

its happened before and it will again

i heard that you should change the screen size and then it should return to normal and then turn the screen size back on

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Guest jeff schneider

ih forgot to add if it does not work try repeating the last level ,if you have a save game at the end of level that would help.or maybe you should restart computer then try this

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