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Two questions: how do I implement a forcefield in my level, and how can I structure it so that the forcefield activates BEHIND the player ie he passes the field before it activates and only then switches on ??

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I can (kinda) answer the 2nd how in very laymans terms, regarding the structure of the forcefield. Now Im a newbie, but ive got the word "analytical" encoded into my blood, so heres my take. :)


Say they are passing through a plain doorway. No doors in it or anything. Just a simple hallway/doorway/whateverway. :D They get through the doorway and just on the other side is a function switch that activates it, just very much like you would walking up to your standard (motion activated) door and it opening for you. The only difference is that the function switch would be after the door instead of before it.


If there is a way to get the look of a forcefield, great! I want one too! But when you barebone it, its still going to be a door shutting behind you. The user will see it as a Trekish snap of the field being activated, but again, in the end, its just a door.


I think I read of SFX scripts out there that can make lights flicker, etc, so my newbie assumption is that you can play off that concept. Hell, even attach a function to the door that will give like one point of damage every time they touch it.


But if anyone can do it (ESPECIALLY for an MP map), pass it my way please!!!!


-=IJ=- Renik

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hmm well I don't actually know how to make it a real forcefield like in the game but at the moment I'm thinkin of somethin like this :


make a brush with the focefield texture, if its correct it should automaticly flicker and such in the game cuz it has a shader


now make the Brush a Door entity and set it to a max speed

with a 0 lip


and a different sound for opening and closing, also add a humming sound speaker next to it that loops over and over


if you want you could also put in a light effect so it will generate for example a blue light comming from it or a red one.


now you make a trigger and set the door so that it starts open


put the trigger on the spot where you want the shield to be activated


now assign it to the door entity / the shield and it should kinda work


however I haven't been in the radiant for a while so maybe there is a better way for doing this

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I found this in an Radient tutorial for Elite Force. If I have EF, can I use this content and have it be converted to JK2?

That was the disnode (in EFRadiant). We will now do the func_usable (forcefield)


Open up the entity-menu for the func_usable and give it these Key & Values:

Key: targetname

Value: forcefield1.

(The targetname forcefield1 will be used by 1 of the scripts)


Open up the entity-menu for the 1 of the 2 target_speakers and give it these Key & Values:

Key: targetname

Value: fieldspeaker.

(The targetname fieldspeaker will be used by 1 of the scripts)

Key: soundSet

Value: borgfieldhum.

(Play´s the sound borgfieldhum)


Open up the entity-menu for the 2nd target_speakers and give it these Key & Values:

Key: targetname

Value: forcefield1.

(The targetname forcefield1 will be used by 1 of the scripts)

Key: noise

Value: sound/movers/doors/borgfieldoff.wav.

(Play´s the sound sound/movers/doors/borgfieldoff.wav)


That was the forcefield.



-=IJ=- Renik

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