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SKybox problem


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Yes I did do a search on this and couldn't find enough sufficient information.


Anyways I am nearly done with my map. In fact all I needed to do was make my skybox.


Now previously before I found a few minor errors in my map, my skybox was working fine.


Then on my 3rd test compile when I had fixed everything, my map was all white. (like I read on other peoples posts) what happened?


I made the skybox by taking a huge brush to cover my whole map and texturing it with stars_rt.


Then I used the hollow tool to make it hollow and cover my whole map. It worked the first 3 times I compiled. It looked great too and it had perfect realistic moonlight. And now it looks stupid!!! And the kicker is when I remove the skybox and compile again the lighting goes back to normal. Could it have to do anything to do with my cpu not having enough ram? Thanks!!!!

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