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Jabba Mission??


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I got a mission at the terminal that said that the objective was to take out a camp of bandits who were a thorn in Jabba's side. Clearing the bandits would get about 2000 credits and "Jabba's Gratitude". However, upon killing the first and 2nd bandits, it said my faction with Jabba had gone down to -180. This was a Jabba Swooper camp!!

So... what was wrong with that picture?

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Some, yes. You can sometimes target certain NPCs around towns and cities (like Thugs and Swooper gangs), and the more you kill of one, the more they'll hate you, until it gets to the point that they'll shoot you on sight!

I had a gang of 8 thugs chasing me around Moenia on Naboo, and it took a lot of other players to give me a hand... :(

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Not sure on the EQ thing, because I've never played it... but as far as I know, your faction points go up according to which side you kill most.

For example.

Jabba the Hutt and Lady Valarian are arch-enemies. So, if you kill a load of Jabbas henchmen, he's gonna hate you, while Lady V will be very pleased with you! :)

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