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Rifleman...and what else?


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When I finaly get to play SWG, I plan on my character to be

Overt Rebel/Imperial (havent made up my mind yet)

Master Rifleman

Master Creature Handler


After all that I'll have 40 skill points left, and I'm wondering what to do with them. I wanted to start the Medic tree, but then I thought it might be wiser to add another weapon profession (since Riflemen are only good at long range).


I could add 1 specilization in Pistol, which would come in handy when my opponents got in closer. Or instead of that, I could tone down my CH skills and learn a specialization in Swordsman. I could get to Head Hit 3 in Swordsman, which would be usefull because the Rifleman also has Head shots.


So now I cant decide whether to go Pistoleer, Swordsman, or back to my original idea of Medic...I could use some suggestions from you wise people who have actually played the game.


BTW, I was thinking of going Imp, but that might be hard to RP since I don't really want to be a "bad" character (I just want the Stormtroopers and ATSTs) I'm more of a nature/animal lover which is why I'm going CH. I dunno... "The Life of Imperial Bob - He enjoys slaughtering rebels and participating in the destruction of entire planets, yet he still has time to smell the roses and play with his pet womprat" sounds kinda funny :p

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