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My hunting story with Dewbacks (pics included!)


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(yes I am Fire Seer on gamefaqs)


I went grouping hunting with a bunch of people yesterday and everything was going good. We were killing mountain squills and moved on to killing Dewbacks.




1 Dewback was pretty easy to take down, we just killed it with ease. But what we didn't expect happened:




reinforcement mountain dewbacks came. At first this didn't seem like a problem since only 1 came. Then another 1 ran over but we should have been able to take on 2 right? well...




2 more came after that which we then had to fight 4 dewbacks....it was horrible, then just attacked us as we were resting in my camp:




We tried our best to fight them off but it was useless, they were killing us faster then we could fire our guns. It ended with a sight just as this:




Bodies everywhere. If you look at my allies health on the left you can see only 2 people left fighting, each of them had about 1 hit before they died. Also, some guys R5 droid was destroyed which I thought was funny since they pretty much destroyed everything except my little droid. After we all died I built a camp to heal:




After we were fully healed we just waited for our allies to get back when good went to bad....




They attacked again, this time though we killed it since most of us were fully healed. We then just continued on with our hunting, in which lead us to see Mr. Snuggles!!

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Sounds like a fun trip. ROFLMO. Ahh there is something that makes me laugh so hard when I am in a group and we get our asses kicked. Lying there incapacitated yelling words of encouragemet to ones left fighting soon to be joining you on the ground because you took on a damn heard of red cons. Hoping not to get death blowed. This game is almost too fun.

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Hey man tell me how to post pictures from my hard-drive without using a website as a catalyst. I need to know so I can begin writing my journal on these forums about my explorations, with pictures included.


By the way, those Mountain Dewbacks will rip you apart if you get more then 2 after you at once. One after another will fall, until you are outnumbered. I bet no one was using Warning Shot and Threaten Shot too, as well as using their Burst Run to escape the wrath of the mighty Dewback lol. Most people don't even use special attacks in group combat, which scares me.

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PhantomXSquared- Well, we knew we were gonna die but I'm not afraid so I just stay there and fight, rather then just burst run and abandon my friends. And almost everyone was using special attacks thankfully. But grouping is by far my favorite thing to do in the game.


russ_evicra- I was in Tatooine Mos Entha but there really weren't that many people there so I took a shuttle to Mos Eisly and there are a ton of people who wanna group hunt there, so thats a good place to go.


Zenmetsu- your gonna LOVE this game, its so addicting and incredibly fun.


As I go on more grouping trips I'll post more stories as well :)

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