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the perminant death thing,


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i was reading the faq about how yer jedi char gets perminant death and i was wondering,


ok, are there classes that can resurect people? if so, does getting resurected keep you from being perminantly dead?

if so, every freakin jedi character is gonna have his own rez bot he will bring once the coast is clear, wont he?


im just wonderin, please answer this question for me

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Yep sorry man, once your jedi dies your jedi dies. You should only try to become a jedi once you are really good at the game. THats what I will do once I get aForce Sensitive slot, Im gonna wait, get good and then play to become jedi master and when i die I become one of the blue glowy guys.

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They are pictures. They do not tell a story as well as video. You may be lying on the ground for a number of reasons: You have been the target of a successful knockdown attack and have not stood up yet, you are lying prone for one reason or another, you have been incapacitated and have stood back up yet, you are dead and waiting for a cloner to respond to your clone activation request.


Anymore questions?

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thx again chief, the more i read about this game the more i think i might have to give it a month of my time. im loving what im reading about how rare jedi will be. i was afraid i was gonna log on to nothing but a server full of lukes force-flying around

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Originally posted by Zenmetsu

Yep sorry man, once your jedi dies your jedi dies. You should only try to become a jedi once you are really good at the game. THats what I will do once I get aForce Sensitive slot, Im gonna wait, get good and then play to become jedi master and when i die I become one of the blue glowy guys.


I'm guessing by the time you get the FSS you will already be good at the game.

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