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Is it me or what?


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Is it me or has the Imperial missions become harder to accomplish solo? I think that the developers need to re-adjust. It should not take 6 people to accomplish a level 9 mission with the players each having excellent weapons and being well skilled.


Dev's, it seems that Imperial missions and points went from extremely loose to near impossible, why? Also why make the trooper pet permanently lost. What's the point and why?


Dev's if your reading, adjust the Imperial missions and make them the proper levels, don't make a level 9 a level 15. Take the troopers you can buy away or lower the cost of obtaining them if your not going to adjust the missions. This losing them permanently and having to take an Army on missions to get that trooper back is BS. Way to make the game more enjoyable, Thanks! Also get with it and fix the color scheme when you target a NPC or creature. I see alot of player ditching this game if things can't get straighten out.



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