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Few Questions for a Future Owner

Lord Fury

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I have a few questions. I've had EQ for about a year and a half and only played it about 6-10 months total. Off topic I know. But here are my questions I know a lot about MMORPGs just not this one.


1. How many people can you have in a group at one time? I saw over 10 people in a group in some screenshots I'm just wondering.


2. Could people that have experienced all the servers give me the ups and downs of them? Eclipse looks the best for the East Coast.


3. For those that have experienced all the classes could you give me the ups and downs? I was thinking about making a Droid Engineer, Weaponsmith, or Bounty Hunter. If you could give me the ups and downs of those three it'd be cool.


Last one is an opinion not a question.


4. What would you say is the best race of them all? I was thinking of creating a Zabrak.

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1) 20 people


2) My suggestion would be to go to one where you have friends, or meet someone there, server names really have nothing to do with it, there is really no best server, just pick one and roll with it, Starsider is supposed to be the "unofficial rp server" though i am sure there is a mixture of all types of players on all of the servers.


3) I can handle Weaponsmith, if you are going to a server for example like Starsider I would guess 50% of crafters are weaponsmiths on tatoonie, which means it is common and there is alot of competition. A bad thing about this is the Bazaar is filled with over 1200 weapons, so you best bet would be to adverstise and/or take up business and place vendors. The beginning stages I.E engineering are very boring and are pretty much a "grind" craft/deltet, craft/delete, rinse and repeat about 5000 times and you'll be ready for weaponsmith. Don't get me wrong it is fun, but there is more supply then demand for majority of weapons( only know Tatoonie status)


4) There is no such thing as a best race, you can adjust stats to fit your profession, I would suggest basing what race you are completely on what you want to play and what you like

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