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Starting Weapon


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The Devs have said that in the begginng you choose if you want to have a sword or a blaster. I was wonderign what everyone else is gonna pick, i cant decide.


The blaster will do more damage, but the feat that improve my ability with the sword will also help with the lightsaber later.


I would like to hear what some of the people who know more about the d20 rule system are going to pick.

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I believe your starting weapon depends on what class you are. That is, at least, how it worked in Neverwinter Nights. Seeing as how my starting class is that of a soldier, I'll start with a good ol' blaster.

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I would start with a blaster as I've plenty of opportunities to use vibro blades with the other NPCs when dark jedi arrive in the game


Anyway Burrie, I posted a dev answer regarding the starting weapon in this thread. You might wanna have a look :)

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if i have a chocie i guess i wil lgo with the sword, because soldiers get lots of feats that i can use to make my swordplay skills as, or almost as effective as a blaster and then i will be that much better when i get my saber. I really hope we do get a choice.

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4 me, definatly a blaster...think of the time it takes to run up to someone with a sword compared to just pulling the trigger...


Yea, but what if you come across a Sith??? The swords have cortosis weaves so they can combat a lightsaber, although at a disadvantage I assume.

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