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SWG Combat and other stuff


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I was wondering what the combat was like in SWG, because I think the game looks interesting and I would like to be someone who fights a lot (a soldier of some sort) so I was wondering is the combat health based (ie more experienced players have more health) or is everbody's health equal (ie if someone is shot in the head they are dead, end of story)


Also are there attack points that are gained with experience or is it just weapons and accuracy that is gained, also, although it is early in the games history, how are the armies (rebel and imperial) organized



Id really like to know because it would heavily influence my purchase of the game

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The basic combat moves you do are sparattic, There not the same thing over and over like some games. Sometimes the char will hit high with a kick or sweep your feet. Then you have have special abilities like spin moves, head shot (no you don't die from one head shot), body shot ect.


Health stays the same for your characters entire life span unless you use stat migration to take some points away from one thing and give them to another.


You only gain experience for the skill your using. Its not like a big xp pool where you can put the points into anything. If you look at a site with a skill tree example you'll see there there are different levels to rise in. Say I was using unarmed skill and I killed something, the xp I gained would raise that skill only and bring me to the next level. When you reach the next level you'll gain some abilities like I said before. As for melee/ranged defense and stuff like that, it comes with the progression of the skill tree. You kind of just have it.

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