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Importing to UK - recommendations?


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Ok, I know this has kind of been discussed in other threads, but a single resource would be great.


I'd really like to get the game imported to me here in the UK from the US.


dvdboxoffice.com will do it, but they're out of stock. Not good enough, want it NOW


gamestop.com will do it, but they only have the Collector's Edition available now, and after postage n stuff, it works out at £60... as much as I want the game, I still have to feed the kids and the hamster, so that's not an option. Yet.


Has anybody used another company apart from those listed here to get the game from the US to the UK?




Impatient from Surrey, UK

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First of all, I'm not from UK but from Finland. But since people from all over EU might view this post I'll tell you my story so far...


I had a great internal struggle in my mind last week whether or not to order it or wait. Came Sunday and I could wait no more :sweat:


I checked out GameStop, nothing but CE in stock. Then I checked EBGames and they claimed to have both standard and CE in stock. So, after reading through all the help twice (my first order from them), I placed the order at EB and my wait began.


Monday night I received an email where I was told to confirm that I want to carry on with the order. I sent my confirmation back to them.


Tuesday night I got an email that said my order has left the building (in search for Elvis, I suppose). I got a UPS tracking number that confirmed the departure.


As I'm writing this (Thursday 3am local time) , the shipment is in Cologne, Germany. :bounce1: Though I expect not to get it before next Wednesday, since UPS delivery time calculator estimates it would be here then.


I ordered the standard version, because I don't care about the tacky sunglasses of CE version. The game cost $49.99 + shipping $29.99.


But since the shipment comes from outside EU I need to pay tolls and taxes and perhaps a handling fee for all the paper work UPS needs to do as well. Those costs are still a great mystery to me, but I'd expect the taxes be around 30% of the total price (toll 2-3%, VAT 22%). Always remember to take these "hidden" costs into account when ordering from outside EU.


That's the story so far..

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I've ordered from Gamestop. The import fees and taxes I'll have to pay UPS upon delivery is about as much as the whole game cost me!!! About 80 US$ :( I hope I'm wrong.


Through UPS tracker I see that my package have arrive here in Sweden. Now I just hope they are quick to send it to me :)

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Not sure that ebgames.com will ship to the UK from the US, as they have an UK version of the business.


Have mailed them though and am awaiting a reply. Otherwise may have to make a friend in Europe who can get the game and then forward it on to me lol...

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Ajo79, you got the CE version. I am only basing my guess to an order ages ago. If I remember correctly the extra payment was about 30% from the product plus shipment total price. Since you live in Sweden and have bigger VAT you will need to pay more VAT obviously. Hope you get yours soon, your story inspired me to go ahead :D


Redmist_uk, sounds too bad if they don't. Heck, the rest of EU can order from there and get it and you don't? :giveup: If it's any consolation, my order is still stuck in Cologne.

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Congratulations Ajo!! Although I doubt very much that you'll be reading this for a while...



Oh, and the US EBgames doesn't ship to the UK... I checked there first when I pre-ordered all those months ago! :D


I know that gamestop.com was expensive, but I'm now laughing at the people who said I was stupid to order from them, because, in their words, "You're getting ripped off! DVD Box Office has the best deal! No shipping fees and you're guaranteed a copy!"


Yeah right. :D

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Well AJO79 thats great. I hope u enjoy SWG as much as I do. It is really a AWESOME game! My Wookie is almost a LVL 3 scout with LVL 3 pistol and almost LVL 2 unarmed combat. I am going to a Master Commando/Master Scout and not sure what else, maybe Creature Handler or Ranger of some sort.

I hope to see you all on SWG soon.


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Thanks guys :)


Since the servers is down I have some time to write. The CE box was pretty big and in classic black and a big logo.. pretty neat.


The import tax I had to pay was about $30. I had estimated much more so I was kinda relieved when the UPS guy want only $30.

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Well, Gamestop cancelled my CE order. I sent them all the cc details as soon as they requested them, so that can't have been a problem...meh, they could at least have sent an e-mail explaining why they cancelled. I guess I'll just have to re-order...*sigh*.

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..and the story goes on (I'll keep it short this time ;) )


45 min ago the delivery guy arrived and I signed for the package. Then the guy left so I didn't need to pay anything. Either the package was considered toll free or then the bill was too big to collect on site :D


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have "work" to do.. :smash:

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