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Character Model Issues


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Got a problem boys. WHen chosing a character model i run into a problem with the human face. As you know a few models, besides the actual human, use the same human type face. The face does not show up, however. The entire facial portion is blacked out or sometimes even blued out. This occurs when picking a character and also during game play. Interestingly...during gameplay...I notice in the upper left hand corner of my screen I can see the missing human faces flashing through. Like they dont know where to be placed. I hope my problem is clear to you all. Perhaps a simple re-instal will do the trick? I dunno. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Also if i reinstall do i lose my character(s)? Or is that saved on the server(s) i use?

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All I can tell you is that Characters are stored on server side, reinstall will not affect that..


Might want to make sure you have the latest driver for your video card.


That your Video Card is compatiable


And that every time you patch that you are doing Full Scans after words.


Other then that I am not a Computer genius, that is about the extent of my knowledge

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