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Originally posted by ]Pyromaniac[

How come the american version of the game is out now already and i have to wait till December for the Europe version? :s


Software publishing and distribution works much the same way that book publishing and distribution works. One publisher/distributer rarely handles both domestic and international distribution.


Oftentimes the development house will have a domestic publisher/distributer lined up, but not an international distributer. Since the domestic side and international side are, essentially, two different businesses (or maybe business "units"), they are typically on different timetables.


Interestingly enough, it isn't always the domestic release that takes place first. There was a recent release of a Raymond Feist book (fantasy author, for those who don't know), where Australia was the first country to get the First Edition. The U.S. release didn't happen for nearly 6 months after the Australian release. Feist is an American author and resides in California.

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