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Whats with Sat am downtimes


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What is going on with the servers going down for fixes every Sat morning? This is prime time for us US East coasters.


It seems that this is planned downtime, based on the announcement made each week on the official SWG server status page. I find it to be a real inconvenience.


Does anyone else find this strange that Sat am is used for 2-3 hour downtime?




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Sheesh, I never try to logon in the am except for Sat/Sun, so I never noticed this was happening every day. That is even worse.


Has anyone discussed whether this will continue or if it will just be temporary?


Pretty bad service.

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I look at it this way: fix it now before the break (bug) gets any bigger. I'd rather have SOE make maintainances on the servers more often than not. A couple hours here and there for the first month of the game is better than a complete server crash or shut down for a day or two. Then you will really hear ppl complaining....


They've been doing this for the past week or so. An announcement of it is posted at the official site. I doubt the ppl who have to do the work enjoy doing it on the weekends, much less in the morning. At least you're home, relaxed :)

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Dont you think its a little selfish to demand that SOE doesnt take down the servers while you are playing the most? I mean either way the servers are going to be down during a period of time where someone in the world is going to be effected and not able to play during the time they normally play.

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Tool and Impx,


I find your posts fascinating.


Could you please explain what & when you feel is acceptable downtime for paying customers?


Please assume this is not the first month of beta.


What should a non selfish, paying customer, expect in terms of downtime? How long should a customer expect to see daily am downtimes? 1 month? 2 months? how ever long it takes to get things stable?


Should we all just take the attitude that at least we are home relaxed, and bugs will get fixed and its better that its just a few hrs each am than a day at a time?


Thanks for the comments.

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well to me I have no problem with weekly downtime, and as for how long its down, I dont have a problem with that either. It takes as long as it takes to get the servers updated with new content, and fix's.


Down times arent good period, but they are going to happen no matter what. The only acceptable downtime that anyone is going to pick is the downtime that they aren't playing the game. In my case it would be 1 to 6am.


You just have to live with it, they are atleast announced, and servers going down without warning are atleast over. its a nice change of pace from the first two weeks of launch.


E-mail SOE if you have a problem with it. Perhaps they will look into changing the times. But either way someone is going to be angry about the game being down for an update.

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Originally posted by WayrethofGorath

Could you please explain what & when you feel is acceptable downtime for paying customers?


What should a non selfish, paying customer, expect in terms of downtime?


How long should a customer expect to see daily am downtimes? 1 month? 2 months? how ever long it takes to get things stable?


Should we all just take the attitude that at least we are home relaxed, and bugs will get fixed and its better that its just a few hrs each am than a day at a time?


Thanks for the comments.




I'm as selfish as anyone else so the honest answer to your first questionis when I'm not playing.


It's unknown how long they will be holding their daily maintenance so I can't answer your second question. However, one could assume that as more bugs are fixed, the less downtime will occur. I think most of expect that there would be such annoyances when this game went gold.


As toolfan said, and I'll reiterate: someone will always be affected by the shutdown. This game is geared for the U.S. so I'm willing to bet that SOE tried to pick the most convenient time for everyone. Imagine the turmoil they could cause if they scheduled for 5-8 pm downtime.


Let's also remember the European and Asian/Australian players. The shutdown times occur around 8-9 am on the east coast typically. That translates to about late evenings for the ppl on the other side of the planet, when most of us are typically playing. I'm sure they're hating it more than we do.


At least they do give us warnings and advanced written notices.


Downtime sucks, nobody likes it. But just like other businesses, they need to renovate and make it better so that the existing and future customers will be satisfied.


I'm sure you can work around this minor inconvenience. Just think of the maintenance-free days that are coming. You can play until you drop from exhaustion then :)

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Since I got the game back on Thursday the downtime has only been about an hour per day. I think thats very acceptable. The downtime is only 1/24 of a day... and thats kinda good.


I guess SOE doesn't promise 100% uptime anywhere so I can accept that they close the servers down for maintaince and upgrades.

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Not one game developer that has ran a MMORPG has promised 100% uptime anyways. Scheduled downtime for maintence on any server period, from a database server, FTP or a game server is going to require atleast a shut down and then reboot from time to time.

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