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Can I give camps away?


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The other day i found out that a camp will heal all wounds (marksman/scout/artisan) including the black part. It is very slow but it does work.


My question is, as i sit and heal my wounds, I see alot of people that run by and have alot of damage. I ALWAYS offer up my camp to them. Do I have to stay at the camp for the healing effect to help them? How long does the camp stay there after i go about my business if I don't disband it and leave them sitting there to heal?

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As far as I know, it should work. But you rlosing out on so XP. If your camp ends up hosting alot of medic healing, or entertaining, it rack up alot of XP. To get the XP, disband the camp from the camp sclipboard menu next to the tents. I recieved about 800 wilderness survival XP for a camp that was up for 10 minutes hosting about 4 people.


So you should be able to give it away as far as I know, but only if you dont mind passing up the XP.

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The evil settlers seem to be out for me so i take ALOT of damage sometimes. I usually get around 600 xp when i sit, so I don't mind someone taking over when i'm done.


It's just that "Basic Camp Kit" seems to have become my specialty and I don't want to offer up my camp to someone who needs healing, run off, and then the camp disappears out from under the person.


Does that happen?

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basic camp xp cap is 600, and multiperson camp is around 840 i believe. Improved camp is about 1000 i believe. The more people in the camp, the faster it accumulates. I think it takes about 30 minutes for it to max out with just you in it.

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