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Bugs that need to be fixed!


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During my game play I have noticed a couple of bugs that need to be fixed. They are nothing major, but they can be annoying, and in my opinion they take away from the whole Star Wars experience. So here they are and I'm hoping they will eventually be fixed by a patch or upgrade:


1. Intermittently, when you sit down, you slide off your seat and are suspended in mid air or in the center of the room.


2. During combat when you are not directly facing your target your shots fired do not come out straight from the barrel. The laser come out at angles!


3. You can still hit your target eventhough you cannot see your target. He can be on the other side of the hill or inside of a ditch and still take damage. I hope this doesn't happen to me when some one is shooting at me and I take cover behind walls, hills, rocks, ditches, etc.


4. Sometimes the creatures actually die before the shot is even fired, or no shot is fired at all. This is especially true for "baby" creatures that don't have a lot of HAM.


5. Sometimes creatures along hillsides are suspended into mid air and their legs are not on the ground.



I don't know if these problems are unique to my computer system or if it is a server wide problem. I would like to know if everyone else are experiencing this same symptoms and if there is anyway to correct it?

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They will no doubt be fixed and IF they are bug reported they will get to them eventualy.. :)

Gotta remember this game is still just a newbie game give it a month or so for more of the bugs to be ironed out and it will be alot more fun.


Safe hunting.

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