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Anyone notice something about pets.


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I was just noticing today, Ive spent the vast majority of my characters life killing things, hoping to become some really cool fighter. However, after being teras kasi artist,(not near master mind you) I met some guy with a probe droid, and i had a duel against it for fun, and got slaughtered. So after my TONS of effort to become a good fighter, spending 25k on armor, 10k on a cool weapon, any dweeb on the street can kill me by buying himself a fancy droid for 20k. Thats a bit, past humbling.


Ok, ill let that slide for now, becuase that takes a rather powerful droid engineer to make that, and im not as equivelant high level (granted that might be becuase to make probe droid and equiv parts, it takes a total of 804k xp, and that high teras kasi takes 2.3 mil + 26k combat xp(super slow))


But I am also a creature handler, and as soon as I began i was able to go tame a baby dewback, wait a couple of days, and presto! this profession can kill me as well, with no advancement at all once acquired (and creature handler is not a hard proffession to obtain).


And now heres the kicker, the creature handler will get addition pets later, so once a creature handler is master, he will be able to have 3 creatures, each with 10k+ HAM. Not too mention there would still be enough skill points laying about for him to become a pretty decent marksmen or fighter himself, im thinking by this time, even a jedi master, with his impossibly hard to unlock self, and likely as impossible advancement, would get slaughtered.


I know SWG isnt supposed to be a PvP focused game, but the classes seem soo unbalanced.


Anyone have disagreements? Or do some of you go out and solo 3 Yavin IV snake things at once. It just seems that the bonuses the specialist fighting classes get will not be near enough to counter these huge beast/droids.

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A jedi would own your 3 pets with 10k, you obviously have not even seen a npc dark jedi, their lightsabers can kill anything within one hit. A beast maybe a few hits but thats it and its gone. I wouldnt be suprised if a jedi could take out a giant krayt dragon. A master that is.

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