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Terrible Inventory Screen FPS


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Let me start out by giving my hardware stats:

Athlon 1600XP


GeForce4MX w/ 64MB VRAM with the newest graphics drivers from nvidia installed.

I have no other programs running in the background.


The game runs, in general, pretty poorly on my computer. I have all the in-game detail levels to minimum, and I have "Disabled Vertex and Pixel Shaders", "Disable Bump Mapping", "Disable Multi-Pass Rendering", and "Disable VSync" all checked. The game generally gets about 18-20 FPS in "live" mode. This is choppy, but playable. When I go to the inventory screen, even if I can only see a few items, my framerate drops to 3-6 FPS. This makes it incredibly difficult to interact with my objects. Has anyone else experienced such a terrible drop in framerate?

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