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Artisan & Scout help....


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Ok, I just started playing the other day and am a Marksman with some training in Scout and Artisan.


Artisan ?: I just want to build up the Engineering set (long term) and Surveying set (for now) in Artisan. What is the best way to build up ENG? Ideally, I would like to learn how to build/maintain weaponry. I figured out Surveying already, but would love to go in on someone in the Kettemoor server on a Harvester if possible...


Scout ?: How do I build up the Hunting & Trapping sets?


Pardon the ?s but I am very much a newbie still... I have one co-worker in the game, and have met 2 real helpful people so far. I figured out how to run missions, etc, but still need to learn how to best develop the skill sets....


Thanks all!!!



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For your scouting skills, to build traps (and camps), you need, or should already have, a generic crafting tool. Simply pull up the radial menu from the GCT, and then "use". A new menu should come up with the options on what items you can make... when I became a musician, the options came out that I could build instruments! :D For camps, all you need are bones and hides that you harvest from animals corpses. I think the same applies for traps... I never really got round to the traps. I couldn't be bothered. ;)

God... I really need to pay off my debts... I NEED to start playing SWG again... :(

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Thanks Neon... I do have a ton of skins/meat, etc.. what should i do with it all? Just build a ton of traps and camps?


Another player made me the basic crafting set, but I have yet to use it.. will try it tonight... Thanks!


Clarification on intial post: On Kettemoor, I am at Tatooine, Mos Espa city if anyone has gotten to the point of creating Harvester and would be willing to let a newbie join....

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All of the lower level traps only use bone and hide. Crafting traps gives you XP towards the Engineering tree. Make lot's of traps and use them on creatures and you'll move up in Engineering and Trapping pretty quickly. You can also use multiple traps on the same creature as long as you wait till the first one wears off. Hunting takes general Scouting XP so harvesting creatures and using Maskscent will gain you those.

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Thanks for the help. I have been surveying a bit, and creating some things... The traps are weak, but they are cool to throw at the creatures as they approach...


I need to look into getting some armor and credible weapopns.. anyone know a good Weaponsmith and/or armorsmith? I think I want to get a good Scout Blaster and a good rifle initially.. I do need armor though, but have limited credits...


I am at Mos Espa (Tatooine) on Kettemoor if you know someone...




character name: Mala Forma

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Once you hit Trapping III and get the Phenacine (sp?) dart they kick butt. Basically stops the creatures from moving and you can get in 3 special shots before it wears off. Then throw another one and hit it some more. I've taken down many a yellow con without getting touched doing this.


Another thing I did to get through Trapping IV quickly was to unarm myself and just continue to hit them with traps from a distance so I wouldn't do any damage to hit. I think I got around 10 or so traps on a single creature before it would suddenly disappear back to it's layer. Maybe I got too far away or something? Doing it on white cons got me about 1000 XP per.

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