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Crafting with Experimentation


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I was just looking at the tuesdat tips thingy and from what i read it seems that if you do experimentation do that and then i hit create prototype item. it seems that that ignores any experimentation. so how do i use what i got in the experimenting?

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You may be making the same mistake I made in beta, at my first time crafting, if you aren't then I apologize in advance.




Standing at a Crafting machine(depending on what you are crafting we'll assume weapons) You'll get a box that says create protoype, create schematic, experiment.


Next it brings you to an Experiment box, You click on what you wish to exeriment by clicking on the boxes next to the percentages (i.e Experimental Damage) the box will somewhat highlight, next you must click Run experiment. Rinse and repeat until you have used all your Experiment pts. once you no longer have any click the done experimenting button.


That's it, your weapon will have upgraded stats based on your experimenting, but do not forget to click RUN EXPERIMENT before clicking Done Experimenting.


hope this helps

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Only if you choose to make is a schematic rather then prototype, just creating one at this point and time as a prototype will only affect that specific weapon.


if you choose schematic and go to a factory all will be identical to that schematic..so inturn to mass produce the "item" experimenting done will affect mass production and all will be identical

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