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A Few more questions while i wait


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1. i have ordered from EBGames.com, are they any good? (they seem to be ok, cause the customer service is very fast)


2. I dun get the teaching thing. EXAMPLE: the shot-of-the-day rancor pic. can you just say teach me this and you get to that skill right away? Wahts the point in the ex system then?


3.Do you have to own a house? What are the pros/cons of having one? Can you design it your self?


4.COMBAT AGAIN. ok, so queing. but is it like, example:

A: ques up punch, punch, block

B : ques up block block punch,

and then you press go and like if they have a "block" or "evade" in time to your attack tehy evade you? do you get waht i mean?



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The ever-inquiring mind of youth :)


1. A lot of ppl ordered from the site you mentioned and seemed happy about it. So I think you did the right thing.


2. You need to have enough xp to be taught higher level skills. You can either learn those skills from an NPC trainer or a player. The latter method is cheaper typically and beneficial to both. Have a look at the official guide on-line or when you get the game.


3. You do NOT have to own a house although several benefits come from having one (like a nice big storehouse for things that are cluttering up your inventory). You do have to pay maintenance though.


4. Let's use to the example you gave for explaining the combat queue.


You've engage a Ragtag loon and want to perform special moves while fighting. To perform the moves, you can either hit the keys one at a time and your character will respond according. But by using the queue, the moves are set up sequentially so that each is performed in a systemic order. All actions are made in real-time. You only have to tell your character/computer what moves you want to do in advance. Countermoves are made automatically I believe. You can't tell what your opponent is going to do in advance so a block or evade move can't really be inserted into a queue.


There is no 'go' button. Every special attack you want to perform is queued up so when it is time for the action, your character will do automatically (while both combatants are still up and not incapacitated).


Most, if not all, of your questions will be answered when you start playing.

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