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Scouts and crafting terminals...

Shi Wunu

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As a Scout I'm aware of the "personal" crafting device given to us during the tutorial. I've used this and it works fine for small jobs. My question is this:


Is there a Crafting Terminal (in the cities) that Scouts may use to craft in larger quantities? If so, which one would we use?


Also, are Scouts able to "enhance" any of their crafted items? If so, then how and where?



Any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance





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to craft in larger quantities? do you mean as in make multiple items at once? no - you would have to make a schematic and take it to a factory to make many at once.


as for experimentation, i m not sure if you can do it as a scout. if you can, you can only do it while crafting with a crafting tool of that type of weapon.



sorry if none of this applies, but i know this stuff from an artisan point of view.

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