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FYI....Off topic, but If you like "Thief" game...

Guest Garrett

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Guest Garrett

Had some friends of mine not know about this either, so I'd thought I'd add for you Indy adventure fans just in case you didn't know it. Looking Glass studios released a level editor for Thief-The Dark Project (an awesome game for those who haven't played it btw) about 6 mos ago, and since then - fans have built like 30+ levels that you can play very easily with the Thief CD. Some of these levels are just awesome and great to play (I have one called "The Awakening") and are at: http://www.thief-darkproject.com for downloading and also all the info and the Thief Loader program you need to run them.


Just thought I'd drop a note if anyone was interested...and thanks guys for your help with Indy, I'd been stuck 3 times already.. smile.gif

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Guest GeneralKukov

Now if only they'd do that for System Shock 2 those crazy guys...



"Guten Tag...Herr Jones"


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