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Does anyone have a Geforce4 TI 4200???


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anyone out there using a Geforce4 TI 4200 128 MB? i would like to know how it runs SWG. i looked at the specs and it doent suport DirectX 9 so will it run SWG at all? must have been my imagination but i thought someone mentioned that their using it.

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I HAVE ONE! I HAVE ONE! actually i have the 64mb pny version, but it supposedly outperforms the 128mb version in a 3dsmax test.


i cant say how it runs since i have a really crumby motherboard running an 1800+ at 1.2ghz with 384mb pc100 ram so im not one to say. im pretty laggy in cities though but then again more memory is in order.

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Haha, thanks Chuck. Although Im not the original poster...


My very own GeForce4 Ti4200 128MB will be coming through UPS later today, provided its 3:45 AM on the 18th.


I see this post and about crap myself at having ordered something bad, but then again I was told its good... on the other OTHER hand, SWG supposedly has some problems with video cards?




I just upgraded and running 512mb DDR ram, I should be good once this video card comes in!



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