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Disappearing Items...

Taru SanJeet

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I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on a problem I had experienced not once, but twice.


After playing for a while with my original character, I had decided to delete the original and create a new character.


Prior to deleting the original character, I had put all my valuable items into a backpack. I then traded this backpack to my brother.


Once the trade had completed, the items were visually verified as still being in the pack. I then decided to delete the character and create a new one.


When we went to trade the backpack to the new character, we found out that all the original contents were now gone!


Baffled, we tried the experiment again. This time I had placed both insured and non-insured items into the backpack and again traded the pack to my brother. Again, the items were visually verified as being in the pack. After deleting and creating a new character we found that once again, while the pack had remained, all the contents of the pack had been deleted.


As a server-based game, I was under the assumption that these "objects" were stored server-side.


Can anyone shed some light on out experience? Any info would be GREATLY appreciated.




Safe Journies...




Ta'ru SanJeet

Tarquinas Scout

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Originally posted by Gaelin Masek

One of two things:


A-) A bug.


B-) Defence mechanism designed to stop you from doing just that... transferring items.



It's gotta be "A". If you can't transfer items then you no longer have a player-driven economy.


There's no way for the server to "intuit" what you "might" do with the items you hand off to another player. Given that, there's no way for the server to know you're going to pass them off to a friend, make a new character, and have them transferred back.


Must be a bug.

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Thanks for your replies - they're greatly appreciated.




I guess I'm not understanding the process.



1) I never created the items in question, all items were purchased or traded. (I would think MOST of the players had aquired their items in the exact same way.)


2) I traded the items to another player.


3) Basically, I just "touched" the items before they went to my brother.


4) I delete my character and my "brother's newly acquired items" are deleted?





I'm sure glad I wasn't an Artisan providing Armor and Weapons to players!!! I'd sure hate to see everyone else's items disappear in the middle of combat just because I changed my mind about the character I created!


Is it just me or does this sound wrong?

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I still don't have the game yet, but I think it's a mechanism to prevent cheaters ;)

This isn't your case, but the devs, probably, bind the items to the account of the last owner. If the character identified by this account is deleted, and you try to take back the items the system recognizes the difference amongst the two PGs so deleted the objects.


BTW it's only my opinion ;)

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