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Recommended Computer Setup for Lag?


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Hey I play EverQuest and SW:G looks so awesome. I am definatly getting it within the week. I have seen some Screen's on it and the graphics are *really* High Definition. I play EQ with Luclin graphics (for those that know what that is) and they are about a 3rd lower definition than these. It only gets laggy for me where there is like 10+ people in a small space. But then I also noticed the High Definition worlds (the plantlife, vehicles, hut's, etc). Would me computer go Jihad on me with these specs?


Pentium 4 1.4ghz

620+ RAM

Radeon 9000 Series Video Card

Cable Internet

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i have recently asked plenty of questions about hardware and SWG. so i can now hopefully anwser yours...


well theres no doubt that your processor is a little slow. mines only 1.20 GHz but i havent tried to play the game yet. it meets the min. requirements, so it should run the game though. if ur looking to upgrade u can get good prices on faster CPUs at pricewatch.com


620 of RAM is great. check and see if its DDR RAM though cause there are differences. but ive heard anything ovr 512 MB of RAM willl work great.


as for your graphics card.... i dont really know about the 9000 series. be more specific and i may be able to help.

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also dont worry about the screenshots looking TOO good for ur computer. those screenshots are most likely taken from a really good computer with the graphics maxed out. u can always turn the graphics down slightly so it will run at a decent speed.

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Well, now, let's see...


P4 1.4: Bad, since it'll be a Willamette core...and therefore about equivalent to an Athlon 1ghz. That said, I don't think a slow processor will really be a major issue in a game like this, so you'll live. ;)


640mb RAM: Depends. If it's PC133 SDRAM, you're utterly borked; the P4 _needs_ as much memory bandwidth as you can throw at it. However, given that this is probably a Dell machine (?), you probably have PC800 RDRAM...which is decent, if not stellar. You should be ok on this front.


Radeon 9000: Let's face it, even you know you aren't going to be turning all the setting up to max, but RAM is the big performance decider for this sort of game. The 9k's a decent card if, again, nothing stellar.


Conclusion: You'll be ok. Get the game already and join us. :p

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Nobody should expect their computer to play the game on full setting's - as that's impossible without getting lag. You'll be able to take some nice screenshots while getting 1-3 FPS, but that's about it.


Your computer will work fine for it, as even the crappiest of computers can play the thing on minimum settings (8mb video card's'll play it...)

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do they even make a P4 1.4gig? is that a typo? If it is a 1.4 it should play, but your video card isnt being used to full cap. If you upgrade your CPU I guarantee your video card willl be able to put out more performance.


640mb ram? not possible but I assume 637. Yes, if its DDR you should be good, but more can help.


Defrag after your installation and clean up your drive for faster HD performance also.

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