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Clone Wars for GB


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Hello everyone!


Sorry, because i hadn't introduce myself... I'm Mercutio, 23, and i as a new member(at least for posts) i ask for you guys some information about make a custom campaign based on the new Clone Wars Universe... about how to create new units for GB(like the other Jedi and the comics characters) and scenarios... im want to do this because i think it's more simple to do it for SWGB than a other engines like JK, because many tried to make TC and no one accomplished... if someone want to contact me abous this, i'll really appreciate it...


Thanks for you all guys...:yoda:


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Yes... i'm trying to make a scenario based on the "The Defense of Kamino" comic book, and i need mods for it, like Kaminoans, buildings, and the new characters like Asajj Ventress and Durge...

But i want to make scenarios to the entire Clone Wars chronology, to make a campaign about it, cause i think that this will be the best interaction of the EU and the movies...

i thank you a lot for your mods, and if you get interested in this, i hope, i can have your help!



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No, not at all... i don't want to request mods, i just want to find people who'll get interested to make scenarios based on the Clone Wars... if anyone get interested for this, i'll continue by myself, but i need information to create a good quality work, nothing more...


Anyway, thnx for help!



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Yes, but their forums are ALIVE!

Not really. They don't have that many more regular posters than us, and they also don't have very many more active threads. Most of the topics there are pointless. I think it would be more correct to say that the game has gone in the way of the dodo. And, seeing that we have better access to info, once SWGB2 is announced, our forums will become A LOT busier.

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