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Level 1 problem

Guest Joel

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I still can´t find the exact position on the block for Indy in order to whip the post sticking out of the wall near the ruine in the area of Canyonlands.

As soon as Indy takes his whip, the view of the screen changes and the post moves upwards and disappears. Indy "whips" nothing.Who can tell me where the exact spot

is on that block?

Thanks in advance,






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Just somewhere on the edge of the block. Not much more can be said about this unfortunatly. You can tell your in the right spot because he'll suddenly hold the whip up.





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Have Indy holding the whip. Then walk (not run) in the area of the post. When you are in the right position, the view will change. Now, use the whip. If the post is forward of you, rather than directly above you, you should be able to walk (not run) up to the edge of what you are standing on and it will stop without you falling off the ledge. This should be the right position to whip.

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