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FA pets death


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Having FA pets die in combat is like driving ur Lamborghini in excess of a 150 the wrong way on the freeway with no insurance.. what’s the point? Just keep it in the garage or datapad and salivate while looking at it… Its taken me a day and half to get my imp stormtropper but why use him if he’s prone to death.. Why not just be novice CH and buy a Rancor and a probot? They are insured and u wont see ur hard earned CASH not WORK go down the drain? What’s the point?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know your feeling. I was hanging out in anchorhead with my super cool senior heavy weapons guy (1500 fp) and 2 troopers (500 a piece) and some random imperial who had cloned there ran in from the west with 2 giant spiders, I almost instantly killed her before she could send her pets after me. However when she respawed her pets were suddenly neutral, so i couldnt attack them, and she was too, but becuase of the personal enemy BS she sicked her freshly bough creatures after my hard worked for troops And i had to WAIT for her to give orders to pets to kill mine before i could attack her. Eventually we killed her pets, but basically it doesnt matter, becuase she will just store them and bring them back in an hour and continue exploiting the personal enemy pvp crap.


Im also a CH, to tame a pet takes like almost a week for it to grow up. However people can buy full grown ones (granted you could technically buy a faction pet if anyone was willing to sell) The three troopers I lost ended up costing me 2500 fps (almost a pair of boots ! woot, ohh wait im trandoshen), and I lost these to some random imperial who had NO RISK becuase right now you dont have to insure, and CH pets dont die. I will be glad to see when CH pets can permadie becuase they need it to stop abuse.

It should be noted tho, that all my 3000 fps, were just about 2 days of killing imperials, (i lost 1 trooper in a diffrent incident) where the pets did take a week to acquire, however this doesnt warrant a complete risk free pet. Maybe if not perma death, at least make wounds much harder to heal on pets and make them happen like unstored cloning when they are incaped (im thinking the people would be much less willing to throw fluffy into a group of rebels if they knew that if it WAS incaped by a miracle of god they would have to stand around a med center and beg for 5k health and action wounds to be fixed for their pet)

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