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Level 13, cannot climb

Guest Sobeit

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Am in Sol's mine and have gathered 2 of the three Jewels (missing the green one). After many attempts at various attempts at solving on my own I went to the walkthroughs.


I know I have to get into the room (from water) with the coffins and climb up to get to the spot where I can jump and get the Green jewel.


The problem is I cannot climb. I believe I have tried every spot (from the single block to the double block, in every spot in front of both ends). What have I missed? Probably something quite easy I am sure but, what?


I am stuck (HATE that!)and would very gratefully accept any ideas.


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks. I restarted the level and tried doing things in a different order. The last time I made a point of killing all the commiecrouts as soon as possible. It seems I killed them before they blew up the track I was on. Redone, all better.


Thanks for the reply

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