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How to kill Marduk/Sophia?

Guest Cooch

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Ay folks.


That really sucks. There is that bitchin Marduk/Sophia hybrid flying around, I'll crack my whip on it over and over again. But except for a few groans nithing happens. And then, all of a sudden, my whip's out. No charges left.


I wann get thru! Please halp!

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Guest blankenm

After a certain number of whips (I believe it is six), the whip loses its charge. You need to recharge it by going back to the electric ball.


Regarding Marduk, you need to be on the ground level in order to kill him. Collect all three of King Soloman's gems and place them on their cooresponding doors at the ground level of the arena. This will raise a semi-platform that you can climb up on in order to kill Marduk.


Get back with me if you are having trouble finding the three gems. Good luck!

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I found the three gems. So I'm facing the final battle. But I didn't realize, that I need to go all the way back to recherge the bloody whip! Cripes!


Anyway, thanks. I'll try...



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Don't try and put in the gems until you've retracted all 3 bridges...this is possible, you can just make the floating columns from the bridges above. If you do it this way, you cant beat marduk no matter how hard you try. He (They) need to be in the middle when the you open the doors below

I wonder why Lucas Arts allowed you to do this...

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Guest Darth Timo

There are some scenes you can stuck. The first one, I believe, is in The Palawan Volcano-Level (was part of the demo) when you don´t pull the crates that you can jump on them after the lava is everywhere. Another one i in Meroe - there´s a trap that consists of two vrates that crunch you. When you push the wrong button, the way will be blocked forever. That´s very nice when you have saved after you made the mistake and have no other savegame....

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