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Radial Menu Problems


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Yesterday as I was going into the Med center I went to sit down on a bed but when the radial menu came up I didn't have the option to. Thats problem number 1. Second problem: I was doing some missions and had just picked up scouting so I thought I would harvest some stuff and get some xp for scouting but when I went to harvest the body the only options I had were to Loot and examine. Can anyone tell me what the problem is here or if theres anyway I can fix it?

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problem 1: sounds like you where not close enough to bed to sit down. try again.


problem 2: sounds like someone else harvested the creature before you or it wasn't a creature maybe huminods of some kind wich you can not harvest.


good luck.

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there is a few seconds of a delay before you can harvest. mybe you can also try and type the command /harvest and see if that helps.


for sitting on the beds just keep your mouse on the bed and walk around it until the mouse arrow turns into the sit option.

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