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Lev14, It is important to may return at the elevator

Guest Rigo

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in level 14, i put the bloc into the elevator to let him down, and i go down, i kill the robot, i go to the water room, and (dont ask me why) i put the bloc at the entrence of the water room, and a may enter but not exit, so i have look somme tink into the wall in the room(that must be important indy say)It is important to return to this room, if yes i have save after the bloc(calisse) and it possible to have a save game at this point or close.

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ok, in level 14, after i put the bloc into the elevator to let him go down(juste after that i put the gears into the turtle). i get down and kill the 2 robots, and i push the bloc( the same that is in the elevator) into the entrance of the water room( it opposed to the elevator, a the other side of the "bridge") i may enter into the water room but not return(because of the bloc).

i want to know if it important to may retourn to the "bridge" or if i may continue, if not i must begin again this level. sorry if this not clear but my english is not excelent.

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Guest blankenm

Rigo, the block lowered the elevator due to its weight...there was no electricity to make it operate. You need to find Nub's part. It will give you the electricity you need to raise the elevator later on. Nub's part is at the top of a strange-looking metal structure which is built onto a square block structure in the middle of a square pool of water. Keep going from where you are and you will find it. Please feel free to email me if I misunderstood your question. Good luck!

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