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Away put your pets!


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This has been a constant problem for me...first of all I have nothing against you CH's and I even plan on taming some pets of my own. However when I go to the Tusken fort to level up myself and only myself, I expect to fight with others with the same intentions, meaning we fight together we earn our xp together equally and fairly. Then to my non surprise I happen to see 3 huge rancors , and whatever behemoth pets destroying the raiders and the banthas. What the crap is the point to hike all the way to the fort for some CH to take all the kills so their pet can be"stronger"? The point they make to me is that, "They save our asses" My point I made back, "If you can't cut it here without a pet, you shouldn't have even came to the fort" Use your pets for your own individual missions, key word individual....not where 30 players come to a fort to make a good living earning xp just to be cheaped out from "Fluffy".

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