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Guest DaveP

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Please Help me!

Ok, If I go down with the elevator...Into the waterroom with the big robot in the center. I kill the small one and then!? I can't push the button under water!!! I can try that i want....Then I Restarted the Level and now a new problem... I can't find Volotnikov when he runs away. So he goes not in one of these traps that i have "builded"

I have patched the game two times but nothing works! And something is also illogical. If you go down with the Elevator you can pull the block out of it. When you then jump on the big block, the elevator comes down a secound time. But there is now a cliping faiulure. So you stand !in! the lift platform! So you can't push the button in the Lift. BUGS??!!!

Sorry for my english...




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Are you french?, moi oui du Quebec, and i encouter a problem like this also, exepte for Volodikov. read the "Lev14, It is important to may return at the elevator" and dont do the same mistak i have do. somme people say to go to http://www.canofworms.com/ if this may help you


[This message has been edited by Rigo (edited December 14, 1999).]

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I dont think that a walkthrought can help to fix dirty bugs. But thanks...(better ideas?)






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So i can't do step 58. "Pull the lever" COOL, I SAYD NO WAY!

But thanks


58. In the center of the pool is a pit. Directly behind the pit is a coffin shaped opening. Swim in there and pull the lever. This raises a statue of a bull's head from the pit




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