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What should I be.....


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Ok, I did not play in beta but I have been playing since day one. I have already made and deleted about 6 characters from servers I played on. I am the type of person who will only play 1 character at a time and I finally found a server that I am having a great time on, starsider. Now I need to decide what I want to be.....GRRRRRR....this is the main reason why I made and deleted so many people. I was going to be creature handler but after spending 3 days on starsider it seems everyone and their brother is. Last night I got into a "band" and had a blast. We were actually orgnaized and were playing on stage. We had the dancers in front of the stage, we were bantering with everyone and it was a load of fun. So i decided to make a bartender/musician/tailor. (maybe do buisness as well) That way I could make my own bar. After reading on the boards and thinking about it bounty hunter seems like it would be fun as well but after figuring out what I need to get there.....it takes 34 skill boxes to get to novice bounty hunter which means I will have not many other boxes to learn other skills......what should I do!?!?

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well bounty hunter is another popular one like creature handler and if pvp hunting is ever added itll only get bigger so if you wanna stay away from what "everyone and his brother" are doing id stick with your first choice there.

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ya but if there are pvp BH missions then being a BH would be great fun. I myself am on my way to being one, I am on Bria and there are lots of ppl who give up on the path to bounty Hunter. I am planning on being BH with novice creature handler with some band or medic skills. But also do what you want becasue when your done with one character make another on another fun server.


Does anyone know is you get a forcesensitive slot can you make him on the server your on without deleting your other char and does anyone know if a patch of the spae expansion will allow more then one char per server.

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I believe that the one character per server still applies. So you can delete the non-FS character and start the FS on your "favorite" server or you can start the FS on a new server. The FS character is just another character no special privelages, except being a jedi and all.

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