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Guest grenebay4

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Guest grenebay4

ok. i've just reached the part when you enter a big room where you first meet little ice minions. I kill them and then move the block that makes the gadgets work and start turning. then i look up and see the little platforms moving, so i climb the levels and try to jump on the moving platforms but indy can't grab them. i don't know what to do and i don't know where to go!! could somebody tell me how to get throught this mess!!!!!!!!!!

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It's been a while since I was there, but here goes... you can't jump on them while they are moving. Against the wall there are a series of little alcoves (?) that you have to climb up and then you will be able to jump across to the top of the mechanism.



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Your probably long past this now, but anyway. Make your way up in the alcoves as mentioned above. I remember that at least once you have to use your whip to climb up. Once your about eye level with one of the moving platforms. Position yourself as far back against the alcove as possible and do a running jump to the top of one of the moving platforms. (Save the game of course before you attempt this jump) Once you land safely on top of the platform, turn around and you will see another series of alcoves to the right of the one you just came from. Wait for the right time and jump to the next alove. From here I believe you have to climb up some more until you come to a level where you are eye level with another moving platform. Do the same as the first. Once you land, turn to the left and you will see the little area you came into this level from. Wait until the platform is at it's closest to that landing and do another running jump. There...you've made it.







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