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Need some Advice


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Recently departed EQ after growing tired beyond belief of it. (Feel free to troll).


I am currently looking at SWG as my next game of choice but after reading several posts it would seem the game is somewhat broken. I am a SW fan from childhood and think I would really enjoy a MMORPG such as this, but am hesistant to dive in with alot of the forums I am reading.


Is it actually that broken that everyone is having major problems with it or am I just getting that impression from all the disgruntled posts I am reading? I would like to play it but if I buy it I want to make sure it is working to some extent before dropping the dough.


Also being this is a SoE and Verant enterprise is SWG simply EQ repackaged? Don't get me wrong EQ is a good game I just grew tired of it and felt the need to move on. So I would be somewhat disappointed if this turned out to be everquest under another title.


In short is SWG worth the cash for software and playtime?


Thanks in advance

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well i hate games like this usually and my nephew has eq and you could not pay me to play that and for the past 2 years i have played nothing, and i mean nothing, except counter-strike. but after my nephew bought swg for me sunday i have done nothing else, except go to work. I have played 14 hours the past 2 days and i can honestly say it is the best game i have ever played but that just my opinion. it seems very complex to me and you interact with more things than most games so you can expect there to be some minor bugs but i have not had problems yet, except the one i posted about, and im sure they will fix all the problems eventually with updates. you better hurry up and buy it so you can save credits for them vehicles before they come out :)

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Thank you so much for the info. It really looks great from the screenshots and information I have read. All the game reviews have been good (However I don't put alot of stock in game reviews. Much prefer to ask the end users their thoughts.) Gameplay looks to be very engrossing as well. The occupation set up looks really interesting.


I agree if I am ever gonna be able to buy a vehicle I will need to get started soon. Just want to verify what I am buying before I install it.


Nothing is worse than buying a game and realizing its trash. I have heaps of worthless games that I bought and decided were junk. Just wanted to do my homework on it before I bought it.


Again thanks for your input.


Anyone else wanting to put in there $0.02?

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ATM? As in Automated Teller Machine card? Maybe I am misunderstanding you... if soo.. then I am an idiot but if your problem is that you have an ATM card then just go to your bank and get a visa, mc, ae sponsored bank debit card... walla... Then you get your subscription. Problem solved.


If that was not what you were refering to then... Don't I feel dumb.

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I have to say, even EQ when it came out was worse than SWG. All of these games will have their faults when released. I will say form first hand experience, this has been the best game I have played in the last year or so, even knowing its new.


The bugs arent all that bad, and the games is patched almost daily.


You will enjoy this game a LOT! especially if you liked EQ. The main difference you'll find is that there aren't a ton of quests like in EQ, but the game is an infant yet. Give it a shot!


have fun

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This games has promblems but it is still the best MMORPG game that i ever played. I enjoy this game a whole lot. I played ac ac2 and eq but this game is extrodinary. This game has plenty of bugs, but dont all MMORPG game have them in the first couple of months. I dont care, this game is the best MMORPG game out there. For GOD SAKES this game is a month old. We need to have more patience. SWG is a fun game. Even though it has some problems its still the best;)



Scout, Naboo


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i had to convince my wife to let me buy SWG as my birthday present. was a hard sell, i assure you. not only did she not like the cost (approx $50), but she really didn't understand why i'd need to continue paying $15 a month to play it.


i managed to find it at a local wal mart for $44.44, and agreed to drop some of my pay channels on cable to offset the monthly cost. she finally gave in, but she gets jealous of "my new love".


now, i'm attempting to get her interested in the game. i only wish there was some kind of 'site license' or something, for families that want to have multiple members playing the game without having to purchase it over and over at the same retail price. i wouldn't complain about kicking in the additional $15/month per family member, but it'd be nice if there was a way to buy an additional CD-KEY at a reduced cost, even if that's only knocking $10 off the retail box.


i know, it'll never happen, but there's no law against dreaming.


good luck with your wife, and i agree with the others, the game is worth the cost, and it's still very enjoyable in spite of the bugs.

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