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Start Anew? (Need Advice)


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A character of mine I've been working on, a Wookie marksman/scout has been fun and interesting -- but there is one thing I miss, cool looking armor. Wookie armor seems kinda, not as decent looking -- and I can get taken out in two, three shots easily...


...I haven't mastered anything with this character yet, but am a few thousand exp from rifle specialist...so I won't lose a ton of stuff...


...any advice, hints, tips is welcome! I'm just curious as to whether armor is actually useful, cause I know in a lot of online games, great weapons can own great armor...and most people go for the "cool" look than the "effective look."

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My hint is do what you will like. I just had a master artisan almost to droid maker but deleted him to switch to a better server. I love the new server and made a scout, got him up to Master Scout working for CH. Found out everyone and their brother are CH so I scrapped all my scout exp and went entertainer....not whore....but entertainer. I actually tell jokes and lead a band, etc. Now I am having the time of my life. Do what you will have fun with. That is what this game is about. if you start over and don't like it, well, you can always make another character. Break the mold, almost all wookies are scouts anyway.

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