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F1 - F12 hotkeys won't access weapons ??


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i have 4 guns assigned to the hotkeys and each time i punch one to use a different gun i'm told "item not available" "container is full."


but when i look at the % of my inventory it tells me its only using 60%


does ANYONE know whats going on ? is there somewhere you can link me to so that i can read up on this ??


thanks in advance



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yup !!


tried that... at one point i had a carbine in my hands and couldn't switch to any other guns by using the hotkeys or from my inventry, so i had to destroy the carbine to be able to use a different gun....


but i did try and clear the hotkeys... no luck...


anyone else have any thoughts ??




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My inventory bugs at 93% full. I HAVE to destroy something in my inventory to be able to place anything else in it. I have three containers in my invenory too. I place something in them, the percentage goes down, but my inventory is still "Full."


Destroying an item or dying without insurance is the only way to fix it for me.

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