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Where is macro documentation


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macro's work the same way if you were typing the commands.


example: a macro to say aloud "you suck"


start a new macro and give it a name: name is used only for reference.


Pick an icon for your macro


then type the macro text, in this case it would be:


/say you suck



When your done, drag the macro you made to your hotbar. When you click the button it will make your character say: "you suck"




For equiping items, the easiest way is to put the item in you hotbar, but I am assuming you want to put mulitple item on at same time??


In that case I think the only way you can do this is to still put your items into a hotbar box, but you can write a macro to call to that button on the toolbar.


such as


/ui action toolbarSlot17


that will execute the slot17 on your toolbar.


If you make a macro like this:


/ui action toolbarSlot17; /ui action toolbarSlot18; etc etc etc


then you can string the buttons. Just remember what toolbar slot you have it in, it changes from 1 - 8 toolbars. I believe they are all multiples of 10.

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