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Palawan Temple Jump from Rock to Cave


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I have slid down a ramp into an area with spike holes. Going to my left, through the spike field, takes me outside. However, sort of straight ahead is a cave set high above the ground. I cannot get into that cave. There is a large rock to the side of the cave on the ground. I have jumped beau coup times from the front, middle, back of the rock. Have used simple jump and running jump. I cannot get up there. Have even set the difficulty level to Freshman. Have managed to kill the spider peering over the edge. I assume there is a reason for that cave up there? Is it possible to get up there? If so, I guess I need some really basic instruction. Thanks for any help!

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Guest dazed and confused

I had trouble with this jump, too. But I finally made it after a zillion tries. You could retrace your steps and go back to the top of the slope you've already slid down to get to this place. Only this time, slide down on the RIGHT side, then leap toward the cave just before you reach the bottom. You should then be able to grab the edge, then pull yourself up.

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