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second level long jump

Guest hulk

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I have tried for about the last 2 days trying to make the jump to the radio station at the begginning of the second level. He keeps bouncing off of the top!!! I have tried all types of running jumps and he will not make it. What is the secret. I have the default run on and he will not grab hold of the edge- he falls off!!!


Any advice would be appreciated

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Guest Shaggiana Joe

Climb on top of the crate, then do a running jump and catch the ledge of the fecidel. Climb on top of it, turn to face the house, take a few steps back and do a running jump at it. Climb on top and TRY to enjoy that cinema.

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I have been trying that (RUNNING) for the past two days and he keeps falling short. I have tried delaying the jump and I still keep falling short!!!!! And yes I am parallel with the building!!!!

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Guest Mr. Fedora

This is one of the few I didn't have trouble with until someone asked me to make them a save game, then I kept bouncing off. Here are some things to try.


You already know how to get even with the roof top (climb crate, etc.


1) Do the running jump, but make sure you let go of the Jump Key (Alt or a Joystick button) as soon as you jump. Keeping it pressed down may be making Indy let go. Be sure to keep the Forward Key (or Joystick) pressed the entire time.


2) If that doesn't work, try hitting the Alt key AGAIN as soon as Indy hits the roof. This may make him grab on. But keep that Forward key pressed.


These seem contradictory, but if the first doesn't work, try the second.

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Guest Sherry542

I still can not get to the tower. Please, please, please help!!!! Does anyone have a savegame on the tower? E-mail me at smlakl@swbell.net



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If you haven't already done so, change it in the game options to where Indy is always running, and you have to press the SHIFT key to make him walk. This really helped me with the jumps because now you have one less key you have to worry about hitting.






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