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Sharks...I hate sharks....

Guest Exar_Kun

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Guest Exar_Kun

Does anyone have a good strategy for avoiding the sharks. It seems no matter what I do, I'm always getting munched on. I'm currently trying to get past the shark in the grotto to get to the door I just opened. I only have enough health to get bit twice before I die and I'm out of healing items... Any suggestions?

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Guest Indy Jones

Well its tuff gettin past them with out gettin bitten. This is the only suggestion i have. Hit f10 than type taklit_marion on for invincibility. if you no longer want it, type taklit_marion off.

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I totally sympathize with you. Everytime I went into the Lagoon, I felt like I was in Jaws. In fact, put off the game for awhile because of the sharks. However, I got to a point where I became so brave, I would go underwater and stay in that spot, close to shore and let the fish come to me. With practice, I found I was slashing too much when the sharks came up, giving them an opportunity to bite and swim away to attack again. I started timing my first slash to just before the shark bit and was able to hit the shark, and with a second blow the shark was dead. This works the best, because it eliminates the sharks and you no longer have to worry about them as you swim about. I also found in level 6 that shooting the sharks when they swim close to Indy standing on the ground, kills them without any danger to you.

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JoanieS has it about right. I would jump into the water and wait for the sharks to swim up close, I would then turn around and climb out of the water. Sometimes the sharks would almost come up on the shoar and sit there trying to chomp at my toes. I would pull the biggest gun out I had and blast 'em until they sank.


That worked really well. If your in the water and one swims up, two good whacks with the machete usually makes them flip over and sink as well.


Have fun...






Fear is the path to the darkside.


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