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Level 4 - Flower Pot

Guest Adm_Canuck

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Guest Adm_Canuck

I'm at this golden thing and when Indy tries to do something with it... he keeps saying. "Some sore of flower pot" or something.


I tried the monk cross thingy, no sucess.

I also tried medicinal herbs... no luck.


Please tell me what I have to do and where to get that object (flower pot)



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Guest Adm_Canuck

Found it!





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ObiWan Network: Your Source to Episode 1: ObiWan

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Guest Adm_Canuck

I am obviously doing something wrong!


I have the monastic seal.

I'm at the golden thing were I'm supposed to place something like a plant.


I've been everywere and I foud bulb thing that I have seen people talk about. WHAT AM I MISSING!

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Guest Adm_Canuck

I found it never mind.


I'm starting to sound like a morron here.


Oh well, at least I'm getting more and more posts. smile.gif





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ObiWan Network: Your Source to Episode 1: ObiWan

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Guest HelperDan

You have to find the plant bulb in the big blue room. To get there, you have to open a door on the side of the turning statue in the water room. I do not remember how to, sorry. Then you go down the ladder and dodge the swinging wood. Then you climb a ladder and get in an elevator. This takes you up. Go to the door in front of you and put the monastic seal in the door. Then you have to get across the chasm by jumping from block to block. For starters, hang on the lenge of the platform you start on and go to the left into a broken segment. Once you get across and find the key you put the key in the keyhole and take the plant. Then jump all the way into the water and swim down the waterfall. Now you can water it by putting it in the holder.


Hope this helps!

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